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This years Summer Workshop will be running from:

Monday 12th – Friday 16th August, 10am – 4pm
Performance on Sunday 18th August 5pm -8pm

It will be open to a maximum of 25 youngsters aged between 8 and 18 (on the first day) . This year we will be working towards staging a production of ‘Treasure Island’ written by Robert Louis Stevenson and adapted by Todd Espeland.

YT leader, Clare Temple, will be leading the week so strap in for a week of hard work and lots of fun with support from various members of the adult main cast of GADS.

As we do each year, we are working on securing sponsorship for the week to keep participant costs to a minimum. So, as it was last year the cost will be £20 per child for the week. This will include tickets to see the show on Sunday evening and the snacks/drinks that we provide mid morning. Apart from participants lunch, the only cost will be for the annual membership of GADS if you are not already a member. This is £10 for Junior members (14+) or £10 for Patrons – for parents of children under £14. This must be paid before attending the workshop.

Applicants will be informed if they have been successful in their application or not by Friday 2nd August

If you have any questions please contact 

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