Youth Theatre 24/25
Youth Theatre

Our Youth Theatre is run by Clare Temple for those aged 8-
Sessions will run on Tuesday evenings from 5pm to 6:30pm.
Our first show will be performed on Tuesday 1st and Friday 4th April 2025 times to be confirmed.
The show on Friday 4th April will be our first public performance.
Subs will remain at £50 for the term (£5 per session, £150 per year).
For more information or to contact Clare email using “Youth Theatre” as the subject.
A record of Youth Theatre Group activities from its formation in November 2015 to 2021 Our Youth Theatre Group paused for a few months while we staged our Pantomime and the musical Oliver!
After a very long break, we resumed on 20 May 2021 and managed to keep going for about a month! It was so good to get back together again, meet up with our old friends and welcome a few new members.
We ended the 2019 Summer Term with a performance of some pieces inspired by Romeo and Juliet. Here we are rehearsing on 4 July with some more pics from the showcase on 11 July 2019.
The session at the end of April 2019 was one of the best yet and totally packed with action. After warm-
Our last session of the Spring Term ’19 was amazing. In 3 groups, we had just an hour to prepare a short 5 minute performance. We were given a script and had to design the show, get props and costume together and work out a lighting plot. After a quick rehearsal, each group performed our piece on the stage –
After our pantomime, Alice in Wonderland, we began work on our 2019 programme. This included sessions on Makeup, Stage combat, Backstage work and many more –
Our last session of 2018 was quite short but intensive. We worked on mime and mask work, using the masks provided by a grant from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Property Fund. The session concluded with a short showcase for family members on Thusday 18 October. Here are some photos from the mask work.