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Performance dates are:
Wed 22 Jan 2025 at 7pm
Thu 23 Jan 2025 at 7pm
Fri 24 Jan 2025 at 7pm
Sat 25 Jan 2024 at 1pm
Sat 25 Jan 2024 at 7pm

Key Members of the Production Team are:
Director – Karen Polmear
Assistant Director – Benita Blacklock
Producer – Nicky Phizacklea
Musical Supervisor – Alison Fligg
Choreographer – Jake Phizacklea

The Pied Piper may be one of the lesser performed pantos, but with all the traditional panto parts you’d expect and, excellently written, it is a very exciting and hilarious script. There is plenty of involvement for chorus and dancers, particularly the junior members as pigs, farmhands, children etc. and a wide choice of some very good principal characters to join in the ratty and piggy fun.

Auditions will be held on:

Wednesday 11 September from 7:30pm in the Public Hall at Gosforth – for the Principal characters.

Monday 16 September from 7:30pm in the Public Hall at Gosforth – for the ensemble, dancers, ratlings etc.

If you would like to audition for a part, please complete this Audition Form. But please make sure that you are available for the key dates before auditioning – there is a rehearsal schedule linked below. If you cannot make the above audition dates, please contact us (using the subject Auditions) and we may still be able to consider you.

If you don’t fancy being on stage, there are still plenty of other ways you can get involved. We always appreciate more help back stage and front of house, with Chaperones, Dressers, Make-up and Hair, Lights and Sound, Scenery Painting, Stage Crew – the list goes on. If you would like to help, please contact us (using the subject Auditions).

These are the characters you may like to audition for (with our preferred type of candidate). There is a short script extract for each of the main characters and these will form the basis of the auditions. We will have paper copies available but we are unable to post these on our website. If you would like a short extract for your character, please contact us (using the subject Auditions).

Auditions for these parts will take place on Wednesday 11 Sptember.

  • Burgomeister Head of Hamelin town council, responsible for collecting rents and taxes – a pompous, self-important autocrat who wears a chain of office like a mayor – male / adult
  • Helga – German sausage-maker and pig farmer named Helga Von Trump – typical Pantomime dame character – male / adult / song 
  • Willie – Helgas daft son and chief sausage-stuffer, Wilhelm, commonly known as Willie – the “Simple Simon” of the piece – male or female / adult / song
  • Hans – Helgas other son, far more sensible than his brother – works for Burgomeister as town clerk – male or female / adult / song
  • Heidi – The Burgomeisters daughter and girlfriend of Hans – much more kind-hearted than her father, she runs the local Bierkeller –  female / adult / song
  • Pippin – The Pied Piper – a wandering musician from a village in the mountains, dressed in the stereo-typical way in red and yellow – male or female / teenager+ / song 
  • Blatter & Splatter The towns idiotic, bungling rat catchers – typical panto-style comedy twosome – Splatter is the more foolish of the two – male or female teenager+
  • Fairy Strudel – Typical  good fairy type character – as sweet as they  come – female / adult
  • Sour-Kraut – The baddie of the piece – an evil sorceress, bound to leave a bitter taste in your mouth – female or male / adult / song
  • Rat-Worst Leader of the Hamelins plague of rats – a King Rat type character under the control of Sour-Kraut, slightly comical and played tongue-in-cheek – male or female / adult / song

Auditions for these parts will take place on Monday 16 September.

  • Squeaky, Cheeky, Beaky & Leaky – dancers ratlings – any / any
  • Ensemble  German townsfolk / Farmhands / Spirit of the Mountain / Chefs / piglets / rats –  any / any
  • Dancers – German townsfolk / Farmhands / Spirit of the Mountain / Chefs / piglets / rats – any / any

For cast and crew, this is the Rehearsal Schedule

Please make sure that you are available for the key dates before auditioning.

For the singing auditions, we will be using a shortened version of “I’m A Believer”. For this we have a pdf of the lyrics, an mp3 of the song with lyrics and an mp3 of the song without lyrics (karaoke version). So you can practice.

For those interested in dancing, please contact us for a video of the audition dance piece. This is the song to go with it.